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Natural Gas is Clean

  • An effort by natural gas utilities to upgrade the nation’s pipeline network to enhance safety has also reduced methane emissions by 73 percent according to the 2020 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • The EPA Inventory also shows that as little as 0.1 percent of the natural gas delivered nationwide is emitted from local distribution systems owned and operated by America’s natural gas utilities.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Natural Gas Has Made the U.S. an Environmental Leader- Natural gas is an important tool in the suite of greenhouse gas emissions reduction options available to the United States. Natural gas will continue to benefit our nation as states move to further reduce carbon dioxide emissions created in electric power generation.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Natural gas complements renewable technologies such as wind and power, providing the necessary low-emission backup generation.

  • When used to generate electricity natural gas burns cleaner than other fuel sources, with less pollutants and no mercury. This means cleaner air in our communities.

  • Did you know that storing natural gas not only helps mitigate disruptions to service, it also helps reduce price volatility and manage weather-induced demand spikes?
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Washington State University conducted a nationwide field study in 2015 that found that as little as 0.1 percent of the natural gas delivered nationwide is emitted from local distribution systems.

  • Due to the higher efficiency of natural gas combined cycle generation compared with coal-fired boilers, natural gas emits 52 to 56 percent less GHG than coal for the same amount of electricity.

  • Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel on the market today because it produces much lower emissions than those of other fossil fuels like coal or oil. It is also extraordinarily efficient.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • During the past decade, U.S. natural gas consumption increased 17 percent and carbon emissions hit a 25-year low – making our air easier to breathe.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • In 2016, natural gas utilities helped customers reduce 12.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Renewable natural gas (RNG) is being developed as carbon neutral energy that can help reduce emissions. RNG is methane that is produced from farms, landfills and wastewater treatment plants, and can be used in homes, businesses and vehicles.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Natural gas is today's environmental energy choice -- increased use of natural gas can help address several environmental concerns simultaneously, including smog, acid rain and greenhouse gas emissions.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • The increased use of natural gas has reduced carbon emissions nationwide to a 25-year low. Using natural gas to generate electricity lessens widespread pollutants, providing cleaner, healthier air while drastically reducing healthcare costs for respiratory issues.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Natural gas is clean, domestic, abundant, efficient and affordable foundation fuel.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Natural gas helps clean our air by lowering levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), lead, ozone and other harmful emissions. Using natural gas has helped reduce America’s air pollution over the last two decades.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Because natural gas burns cleaner, there has been a systematic reduction in common pollution-induced respiratory illnesses such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). America could save $50 billion annually on health care costs because of natural gas.
    Source: Studies from Carnegie Mellon University and American Gas Association

  • Natural gas emits up to 56% fewer greenhouse gases than coal for the same amount of electricity.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Natural gas systems accounted for 75 percent of decline in U.S. methane emissions from 2007-2011.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Natural gas utility efficiency programs helped offset 12.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2016.
    Source: American Gas Association

  • Natural gas usage goes up, emissions go down. Since 2000, the use of natural gas has gone up by 43%. The result? Carbon emissions are at 25 year lows – making our air easier to breathe. It’s not just carbon emissions, other pollutants like carbon monoxide, ozone and lead have been lowered.
    Source: Your Energy America

  • Natural Gas Vehicles are 90% cleaner than the EPA’s current NOx standard and emit up to 21% fewer GHG emissions than comparable gas and diesel vehicles. When fueling with Renewable Natural Gas, GHG emissions can be reduced up to  125%.
    Source: Natural Gas Vehicles

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