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Deposits & Fees

Residential Deposit

All new customers will be required to provide a $35 deposit unless they have previously established good credit with the District, or have a letter of good standing from another utility.  A deposit of $70 will be required of an existing customer who has been disconnected for nonpayment or a previous customer with a poor payment record. A customer that has been cut-off for the third time in any 12-month period will be charged a deposit of $150. When a customer has established a good paying record with no returned checks, has not appeared on the cut-off list, or has received no more than one late charge during a 12 month period, the deposit will be credited to their account.


Commercial Deposit

The amount of the commercial deposit will be decided by the estimated monthly usage. The deposit is usually equal to a two month estimated average bill. The initial deposit may be adjusted based upon actual usage. Commercial deposits of greater than $100 may be in the form of a bond from an insurance company.


Service Charges and Fees

  • Monthly Service Fee: Residential – $15.00; Commercial – Small $17.00; Large: $100.00

  • Connect Fee: $55

  • Transfer Fee: $55 for existing customer at any location which can be added to the first month billing.

  • Reconnect Fee: $70* during regular working hours, $100* after regular working hours plus $100 per hour with one hour minimum.


*Applies to existing customer disconnected for non-payment for the first time in one year. Customers who have been disconnected twice or more will be reconnected during regular working hours only. All reconnects are subject to additional deposits as stated above in Residential Deposit.

** Applies to customers who disconnect service during summer months (typically because they don’t have a year-round appliance or the home is lived in seasonally) and reconnect during the heating season.


Returned Check Fees

  • Checks less than $50, a $25 returned check fee

  • Checks totals from $50 to less than $300, a $30 returned check fee

  • Check totals over $300, a $40 returned check fee


Late Charges

Bills for services rendered are payable within 25 days from the bill date. If not paid during this period, the bill becomes delinquent. On the bill due date a late fee will be incurred if payment isn’t made. All delinquent bills will be charged a 10% late charge. If the balance remains unpaid 15 days after the next bill date, the service is subject to disconnection.

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